Investment & Wealth Structuring

Investment and wealth structuring is the establishment and arrangement of legal vehicles to invest, house and hold the assets belonging to an individual or a family. It is common that clients of investment firms will have, or will be in need of, some form of asset holding legal structure, be it in a personal or business capacity, from which they invest and hold their assets. The overall goal of a structure is driven by the client’s end objectives (e.g. tax optimisation, privacy and anonymity, succession planning, asset protection, etc).

We are able to advise on, plan and coordinate the formation, administration and governance of wealth holding and investment structures for various different objectives, roles and purposes. Investment and wealth structuring has become an increasingly important area for consideration due to the introduction of complex world-wide regulation and tax legislation, which affects individuals across the globe. In today’s environment, sophisticated and detailed advice on structuring is required given the heightened complexity of the legislative and regulatory landscape.